Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Development of Different British Education Systems

Britain has a long history and rich civilization, in this context, the UK has been really focussed on instruction, and instruction as a cultural heritage, impact on society, to advance economic industry. Britain ‘s first instruction degree, has a good repute, but besides attracted many abroad pupils. ( Johnes, 2004 ) The development of instruction non merely assist the UK to acquire a good international repute, cultivate a big figure of hi-tech endowment, but besides has gained immense net incomes in the instruction industry for the United Kingdom. This article has an overview of the British instruction system elaborate, every bit good as several different instruction systems in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Then, this paper will analyze the British educational impact on society, particularly on societal economic, in order to calculate out the importance and significance of developing instruction for a state.2.0 IntroductionThe quality of people determines the quality of the state, which influences the national development and societal advancement. Therefore, to better the overall quality of people should be smartly develop instruction, and instruction is the pressing demand for a state ‘s industrialisation and modernisation, and is a necessary demand to better the modern national instruction system, but besides an of import manner to advance societal employment. There is a long history in different British instruction system. Peoples think instruction investing is the best manner to better the economic accomplishments. ( Moore, 2004 ) . In the fifth and 6th centuries, the first school was built by the church which had adequate power ( Oakland, 2006 ) . In England and Wales, the first clip to set up a incorporate national simple school system was in 1870, in 1872 for Scotland and in 1923 for Northern Ireland. The Labour authorities established a countrywide school in 1976. ( Oakland, 2006 ) Britain had a hit-or-miss school construction in the 19th century. ( Oakland.2006 ) When the British instruction system began to flawlessness, the British economic system besides began to stronger at the same clip. This study will overview the development of the different instruction systems in UK and it will analyse its good effects concentrating on the economic system, because the success of the instruction system will profit the economic system of the state.3.0 The development of different instruction system in UK since 1940s3.1 Introduction of the instruction system in UKBritain is a state with a long tradition of instruction. Its instruction system is rather perfect and complex after several old ages ‘ development, and has a really big flexibleness. The purpose of the 1944 prepares to set up simple and in-between school instruction. There is a party-political battleground in instruction in 1950s. â€Å" Labour authoritiess from 1964 were committed to get rid ofing the eleven-plus, choice and the secondary school divisions. † The Labour authorities prepares to set up comprehensive national schools in 1976. ( Oakland, 2006 ) Overall, it is in three phases: Compulsory Education, farther instruction and Higher Education. Students in British receive compulsory instruction from the age of four, all free to bask the national public assistance, schools even offer a free tiffin, and all parents must set their kids to school. General primary instruction normally lasts until the age of 11, and so the childs will travel to middle school, which lasts for a sum of five old ages: from Form 1 to Form 5. ( Education Act of the UK, 1996 ) Further instruction is the most typical and most exciting portion in the UK instruction system ; it is the â€Å" third instruction † after the primary School and Secondary Education, which provides footing for entry into higher instruction or employment. Students having go oning instruction are between 16 and 18 old ages old in general. It is divided into two systems: academic path and vocational path. Academic path focuses on academic research endowment, and vocational mob is a combination of professional demands at all degrees of society, to develop forces with specialised accomplishments and cognition in a assortment of industries. The two systems are equal accent in the UK. Higher instruction is an advanced phase in the British instruction system, which includes Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Doctoral Degree and HND-Higher National Diploma. Higher instruction is normally provided by University, but many Colleges besides offer Bachelor and HND classs. Undergraduate academic grade by and large takes three old ages in the UK, but some particular expertness in some universities requires four old ages ‘ clip or longer, such as medical specialty. Students get bachelor grade after graduating undergraduate, there are many sorts of unmarried man in England, and the followers are common types: BA-Bachelor of Art, BSc-Bachelor of Science, BEng-Bachelor of Engineering, and LLB — Bachelor of Laws. UK graduate student courses merely take one twelvemonth, and pupils chiefly write documents and do research in this twelvemonth.3.2 The different instruction systems in UKUnited Kingdom has four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The four r egional instruction constructions and establishments is fundamentally the same type, but the Scots instruction system is rather different with the other parts in some respects, the chief difference is the different grade makings. In fact, there are three independent British legal instruction systems: The United Kingdom Ministry of instruction and instruction is responsible for all degrees of instruction in England, go oning instruction in Wales and university instruction throughout the whole Great Britain. In England, there are three sorts of school which are community, foundation and voluntary. ( Great Britain. Dept. of Education and Science. 1978 ) The Wales Ministry of instruction is responsible for primary instruction by the Welsh Secretary of State Education Office Management through the Welsh. In Wales, the instruction system is similar as England, but the different is kids in 11 old ages old in secondary schools, there are non choice. ( Great Britain. Dept. of Education and Science. 1978 ) Northern Ireland Department of Education in charge of primary instruction, go oning instruction and university instruction in the part. In Northern Ireland, the instruction system is the smallest than other three states. ( Great Britain. Dept. of Education and Science. 1978 ) The Ministr y of Education in Scotland is responsible for primary instruction, go oning instruction and non-university higher instruction. In Scotland, GTC ( General Teaching Council ) are better than any other three states. ( Great Britain. Dept. of Education and Science. 1978 ) England, Wales and Northern Ireland ‘s instruction system is slightly different from the instruction system in Scotland. For illustration, in the facet of secondary instruction, in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the school focused on beef uping a figure of optional classs, while the Scots instruction are frequently more focussed on broadening the scope of topics.4.0 The current effects of instruction on societySocial impact of instruction is multifaceted, in the facet of cultural, it is the record of a state ‘s history, the societal imposts and moral constructs and values are transmitted to pupils by instruction, and play a guiding function in their growing procedure. Under the influence of public instruction, people have similar cultural backgrounds and universe positions, this cultural heritage and so will assist the state ‘s direction and development. Besides the map in instruction, civilization and communicating, the economic impact of instruction is reall y important. To better instruction is the most direct manner to assist economic system growing and more public outgo on instruction has great decadent on development of society ( West, 1970 ) . First, People expend the assorted fees for the instruction and society investing of the direct outgo in instruction, in order to advance the economic growing. ( Porter, 1990 ) In modern society, people have recognized that cognition is one of the best agencies to alter the destiny and the creative activity of wealth, so that each household is willing to put in their kids ‘s instruction. Education was identified as an investing, instead than an single ingestion in 1960. ( Moore, 2004 ) Outgo of big amounts of support for instruction has promoted instruction as an industry, except deriving the prosperity in the net incomes, the instruction sector has more money invested in the building of schools and instructors, doing instruction hold more quickly development. Second, instruction provides the labor forces with cognition for economic to better labour productiveness and advance the economic growing. Britain ‘s urbanisation, ( Peters, 2001 ) industrialisation and modernisation have entered into a more mature phase, economic development is no longer rely on a batch of labour, but pay attending to the cognition and accomplishments of workers. ( Stern, Bailey & A ; Merritt, 1996 ) Merely with the advanced engineerings and constructs, with scientific direction, with the spirit of invention, they can do the development of society more efficient and high-speed. Education is one of the most critical factors, which gives people a assortment of cognition, enabling them to better efficiency at work and create involvement. In this manner, instruction alterations the employment construction to advance the economic growing. Nowadays, to a big extent, economic competition between states has become a talent competition, and instruction is to supply th em with a different get downing line. Third, instruction improves the advancement of scientific discipline and engineering to advance the economic growing. By leaving proficient cognition, instruction system trains people with scientific production accomplishments, there are programs to bit by bit develop the potency of people in the business, which required so that the single entree to vocational cognition, accomplishments and self-learning ability, in order to advance persons in professional places improve labour productiveness. ( Coffield, 1995 ) In that manner, people can better the usage of new engineerings, new procedures, new equipment capacity, ensuing in increased technological invention and production invention. What ‘s more is that the instruction is an effectual manner to organize a sort of system to cut down the information transportation cost. That ‘s why Michael says ( 1999 ) that â€Å" instruction promotes the development of the society and the economic system † . Today, the cognition economic system has brought great challenges to our society, in assorted Fieldss where take the human capital and technological invention as competitory premiss, instruction as the chief organic structure of forces developing and the chief bearer of the cognition production and airing, will go basis of the development in assorted industries. ( Binsardi & A ; Ekwulugo, 2003 ) Since the 1980th, all the states have carried out reform of higher instruction, most of import of which is to be market-oriented, and take the higher instruction as an industry to run. The British has carried out educational market and educational denationalization. ( Teddlie & A ; Reynolds, 2000 ) The development of private higher instruction industry is the most of import step in all states, which funding for the development of private higher instruction in a batch of money from the populace, cut downing the state ‘s fiscal load ; mostly adhere to the school of academic freedom and liberty, advancing the healthy development of scientific discipline and civilization ; produced and developed group of domestic and international first-class universities ; warrant from a little figure of phases of higher instruction to the popular phase and even the popular success of the passage stage ; for the economic system, particularly for forces transport a big figure of SMEs ; to break mee t people ‘s higher educational demands of a assortment of services and so on. This series of consequences are the positive impact of current British instruction system on society, peculiarly the societal economic system. ( Ursula, Richard & A ; Iain 2002 )5.0 DecisionBritss have a good academic repute in the universe, trusted and widely recognized as a first degree. The British instruction system is known as complex but the universe ‘s most strict and flexible instruction systems. It has many outstanding characteristics: foremost, it is career-oriented, British universities are to the full cognizant of the intent of higher instruction is to direct pupils in employment, the class of survey steadfastly grasp the demands of the occupation market. British learning methods focal point on inquiring pupils to make many coursework and presentation. Assignment are more practical issue-oriented, which need hands-on, squad coaction and imaginativeness, you can give full drama to th e originative power of pupils, this sense of invention will be alteration to invention ability which can advance societal economic in the future work of pupils. And the instruction in the UK is ever followed by the tendency of the times, the instructor ever take the latest, most promising content to learn, which is easy to develop people with the latest scientific theories. With all these advantages, it ‘s easy to understand why the instruction in the UK has so much impact on the society, particularly back uping the development of the economic system. Merely as what Halsey ( 2003 ) stated that, â€Å" Throughout the twentieth century, the relationship between instruction and the economic system has invariably assumed of all time greater significance. † Through a strict instruction, the British have been influenced by cognition and cultivated the ability to work and invention. When they leave the campus and travel to work, the power of endowment makes the UK market is full of economic verve and creativeness. Powerful states and economic prosperity relies on endowments trained from instruction. ( 1950 words )

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Lack Of Cultural Diversity In Small Towns

People in various parts of the world differ in certain hereditary features, including the color of their skin, the texture of their hair, their facial features, their stature, and the shape of their heads. But by the same token, the features that humans everywhere share are substantially larger and of considerably greater importance than their differences. The disparities between blacks and whites are not virtually as remarkable as between carnivores and humans. But physical distinctions, such as a handicap or race, become strengthened by societal insights, which consequently generate bigger spaces between people (Carbaugh, 1990).Most people belong to a number of groups, some voluntary, some by birth, adoption, or selection into those groups. Salient groups, the ones we consciously value, provide a source of identity. Structurally, these are microcultures or co-cultures within a macroculture. A person might identify an elderly microculture, a cowboy microculture, an Appalachian micro culture, or a volunteer association microculture. Each group exhibits some similarities to the large culture, but also some differences (Locke and Stern, 1942).Within the United States, blacks, Hispanics, Indians, Asian-Americans, and Jews have been the victims of prejudice and discrimination. Throughout much of the nations’ history, they have been confined to subordinate statuses that have not been justified by their individual abilities and talents (Frazier, 1957). The conceptual baggage we often carry with us, such as stereotypes of other racial groups, can easily blind us to the fact that, in many instancesm few significant differences exist between two people.Real cultural differences do not always exist beyond ethnicity and race, In a diverse society, we simply magnify the immediate through stereotypes (Frazier, 1957). The great merit of culture is that it permits human beings to circumvent the slowness of genetic evolution. Behavior patterns that are wired into organis ms by their genes do not allow rapid adaptation to changing conditions. In contrast, cultural change can be rapid. Indeed, some social scientists contend that cultural evolution has swamped biological evoulution as the chief source of behavior change for human beings.The functioning of the human brain is no longer rapidly prescribed by genetic programs (Locke and Stern, 1942). Instead, genes have allowed the construction of a liberated brain, one that permits a flexible repertoire of responses. The more culture human beings have acquired, the more biological capacity for culture has then evolved, leading to more culture, and so on. The fact that culture has increasingly usurped nature as the primary moving force in human development has implications for cultural unity and diversity (Locke and Stern, 1942). Cultural diversity may also be found within a society.In many modern nations, the members of some groups participate in the main culture of the society while simulatenously sharin g with one another a number of unique values, norms, traditions, and lifestyles. These distinctive cultural patterns are termed a subculture. Subcultures abound in American life, and find expression in various religious, racial, ethnic, occupational, and age groups (Locke and Stern, 1942). Generally, when we communicate with members of our own culture, we have internalized the cultural rules that govern the behavior within the context, and we are able to communicate without giving much thought to those rules.But when we are engaged in intercultural encounters, we must be aware of how our culture influences the communication context; otherwise, we may stumble upon a variety of surprises (Castro, 2003). Obviously, there are large global regions and national cultures that are structurally and organically bound together in a social system where people have developed a cultural network. Examples include what might be globally described as North American culture, Latin American culture, A frican culture, Middle Eastern culture, European culture, and Asian culture.These global differences, marked by geopolitical factors and national identity, fit into the study of culture influence on diversity (Harris and Moran, 1979). Perhaps the most distinguishing characteristic of a multicultural society, though, is the form of acculturation used. There are three processes through which disparities between the dominant culture and minority cultures can be treated (Castro, 2003). The first of these, assimilation, is a unilateral process by which minority culture members adopt the norms and values of the dominant group in the society (Harris and Moran, 1979).The second, cultural separatism, is a situation where there is little adaptation on either side. Finally, pluralism is a process by which both minority and majority culture members adopt some norms of the other group. Perhaps, the pluralistic form of acculturation is the defining feature of a multicultural society. It is only t hrough pluralism that members of any society can come to understand and truly value cultural and gender diversity (Harris and Moran, 1979). A shared cultural background makes people feel more comfortable with other people from their own culture.Many people initially may feel confused and uneasy when they deal with people of another culture. The discomfort that people often feel when they have contact with an unfamiliar culture is called culture shock. Culture shock usually passes if a person stays in a new culture long enough to understand it and get used to its ways (Lambert and Taylor, 1990). Immigrants need to cope with the cultural changes brought about by continuous firsthand contact with another culture. One of the chief characteristics of the acculturation process is that elements of the original culture can never be completely erased.An awareness of American culture along with examples of contrasting cultures contributes to the individual’s understanding of her- or hi mself as a cultural being (Chiswick, 1982). The Old Order Amish are a case in point. The Amish are a religious sect that originated in Germany and Switzerland during the reformaiton conflicts of the sixteenth century. Because of religious persecution, many Amish families live on farms, although a minority work in skilled crafts like carpentry, furniture-makingm and blacksmithing.They believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible and turn their backs on modern standards of dress, â€Å"progressive† morality, â€Å"worldly† amusement, automobiles, and higher education. Above all, the Amish value hard physical work and believe that those who do not find joy in work are somehow abnormal. Far from being ashamed of their nonconformity to worldly standards, the Amish pride themselves on being a peculiar people who separate themselves from the world (Castro, 2003).Within the American society, there exist many subcultures, or ways of life that differ from one another in many important respects. Some of these subcultures exist partly because the nation has been settled over the years by people from many different parts of the world, bringing with them their own particular customs and values. Whatever the customs and rules may be, every culture and every subculture molds the settlers accordingly (Harris and Moran, 1979). Learning how to be open and flexible helps facilitate strangers’ adaptation by enabling them to endure stressful challenges and maximize learning.Openness implies the immigrant’s willingness to accept change and exposure to new ideas (Chavez, 2001). Flexibility also means that communicatively competent immigrants develop a repertoire of interpersonal tactics. As sociologist Foster put in an analogy, â€Å"the better international negotiators are ultimately pragmatic. They are not oaks; rather they are more like willows. Unable to predict every situation, every twist and turn, even in domestic situation, they know that it i s nearly impossible to do so in a cross-cultural one† (Locke and Stern, 1942).The immigrant’s efforts at being adaptable will be greatly facilitated if he or she learns how to tolerate a degree of ambiguity while trying to analyze what role to play. The intercultural encounter is full of potential ambiguity. The ability to react to new and ambiguous situations with minimal discomfort has long been thought to be an important asset when adjusting to a new culture. If the immigrant is self-conscious, tense, and anxious when confronted with the unknown, he is apt to use his energy to alleviate his frustration instead of trying to decide how best to adapt to the person and situation (Locke and Stern, 1942).Some non-Hispanics in the United States fear that the country's rapidly growing Hispanic population will not adopt the language, customs, and viewpoint of the dominant, English-speaking culture. Some of these people fear that their way of life will be replaced by the †Å"foreign ways† of Hispanic Americans (Sanchez, 1995). Others worry that a large Spanish-speaking minority will become a permanent underclass, locked out of economic advancement by a lack of fluency in English. Many historians and sociologists discount such fears. They point to the many immigrant groups that have become part of American culture.They also note that except for recent immigrants, most Hispanic Americans can speak English (Hinkle, 1994). No society is so isolated that it does not come in contact with other societies. When contact occurs, societies borrow cultural traits from one another. As a result, cultural traits and patterns tend to spread from the society in which they originated (Chavez, 2001). It seems logical therefore that a change in an attitude, caused by new beliefs or new emotional responses, should a cause a change in behavior. Yet, the sequence of events is often exactly the opposite.In many cases, the change in behavior comes first, and this new be havior creates the change in attitude (Locke and Stern, 1942). New social situations often push the immigrants in the direction of changes in behavior, and these in turn often lead to changes in attitudes. This has been especially noticeable in recent years in the attitudes of whites toward blacks and of blacks toward whites. In general, it has been found that people who have worked with members of the other race hold more favorable attitudes, while those who have had no interracial contacts tend to feel less favorable.Undoubtedly, the explanation is that new forms of behavior have produced attitude changes (Chavez, 2001). At times, the norms, values, and lifestyles of a subculture are substantially at odds with those of the larger society and constitute a counterculture. A counterculture rejects many of the behavioral standrads and guideposts that hold in the dominant culture. The hangloose orientation found among some youth in the early 1970s had a good many countercultural overto nes.The young people questioned the legitimacy of the Establishment, rejected the hard-work ethic of their elders, turned to drugs in a search for new experiences, and dropped out of middle-class life. Controversy surrounding youthful involvement in the hangloose counterculture resurfaced in the late 1980s when Judge Douglas H, Ginsburg was compelled to withdraw as a Supreme Court nominee after it was disclosed that he had used marijuana as a youthl the debate widened when Democratic presidential contenders Senator Albert Gore, Jr. , and Bruce Babbitt admitted that they too had used marijuana in te 1960s. Delinquent gangs, Satanic cults, and the survivalist right are other illustrations of counterculture groups (Hinkle, 1994).People of one culture who move to a country where another culture dominates may give up their old ways and become part of the dominant culture. The process by which they do this is called assimilation. Through assimilation, a minority group eventually disappear s because its members lose the cultural characteristics that set them apart.Assimilation is the process through which one social and cultural group becomes part of another social and cultural group (Locke and Stern, 1942). In a diverse society, dominant groups and minority groups often approach assimilation differently. Within the United States, two views toward assimilation have dominated. One, the melting pot tradition, has seen assimilation as a process whereby peoples and cultures would fuse within the nation to produce a new people and a new civilization.The other, the Americanization tradition, has viewed American culture as an essentially finished product on the Anglo-Saxon pattern, and has insisted that immigrants promptly give up their cultural traits for those of the dominant American group (Hinkle, 1994). To sum it up, recognition of multiculturalism and cultural diversity are key to developing a climate of a healthy relationship and respect among the peoples. While racia l anxieties exist in modern society, the sundry peoples may blend merely with others of common cultural upbringing.Works Cited Carbaugh, Donal. Cultural Communication and Intercultural Contact. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1990. Castro, Vanessa Smith. Acculturation and Psychological Adaptation. Greenwood Press, 2003. Chavez, Leo R. Covering Immigration: Popular Images and the Politics of the Nation. University of California Press, 2001. Chiswick, Barry R. The Gateway: U. S. Immigration Issues and Policies. American Enterprise Institute, 1982. Frazier, Franklin. Race and Culture Contacts in the Modern World. Alfred A. Knopf Publishing, 1957.Harris, Philip R.and Moran, Robert T. Managing Cultural Differences. Texas: Gulf Publishing, 1979. Hinkle, Gisela J. The Development of Modern Sociology: Its Nature and Growth in the United States. Random House, 1994. Lambert, Wallace E. and Donald M. Taylor. Coping with Cultural and Racial Diversity in Urban America. Praeger Publishers, 1990. Loc ke, Alain and Bernhard J. Stern. When Peoples Meet: A Study in Race and Culture Contacts. Progressive Education Association, 1942. Saney, Parviz. Crime and Culture in America: A Comparative Perspective. Greenwood Press, 2000.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Commercialization of Organ Transplants Assignment

Commercialization of Organ Transplants - Assignment Example From the report it is clear a huge number of patients are now on a waiting-list for organ-transplantation surgery. Unfortunately, many of them die while waiting for a transplant. The research carried out by the SRTS (Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients) shows that the number of transplanted organs both, from deceased and living donors, has remained practically unchanged from 2002 to 2011, whereas the number of patients with diseases of vital organs increases constantly. More or less visible changes occurred in liver and kidney transplantation, while heart donations remained almost unchanged and pancreas transplants have even reduced. This leads us to the first advantage of commercialization of organ transplantations. It is an effective way to incentivize the growth of available organ transplants and save many lives. As the essay declares commercialization of organ transplantation is a very ambiguous issue from the point of view of ethics. On the one hand, it is highly commendable to donate an organ to others, because it is a real â€Å"gift of life''. Moreover, most religions, for instance Christianity, Islam and Judaism, have nothing against transplanting organs from a deceased person, unless he or she objected that while living. Since the body belongs to God after person’s death, but not to relatives, religions allow using it to save others’ lives. In this case commercialization will result in even higher supply rates of organs. Bigger supply will in turn reduce waiting time and, all in all, more people will get a second chance to live.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Project Statistics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Statistics Project Example That is, an increase in Qatar’s GDP by one unit will increase the value of Qatar’s exports by 4268.572. An increase importing country’s GDP by one unit will increase the value of Qatar’s value of exports by 294.0738. On the other hand, an increase in distance by one unit will increase the value of export by 20763.51. from the analysis above, it is clear that distance is the greatest contributor of value of exports. The GDP of Qatar was valued at $192,390,104,345 billion in 2012. The Gross Domestic Product value of Qatar represents 0.30% of the world’s economy. Between the years 1970 and 2012, Qatar’s GDP was averaged at $27.03 Billion reaching an all-time high of $192,390,104,345 billion in 2012 and low of $0.30 in 1970. The World Bank is the principal reporter of Qatar’s GDP. To understand the link between real GDP and the imports of cereals in Qatar, it is important to examine the indicators of international trade. It is important to note that the distance from the location of a commodity will affect the costs of obtaining the same commodity. It is therefore prudent to obtain the commodity at a market that will not increase the prices of the goods. The volume of international trade will depend majorly on the GDP of a nation. This implies that productivity and consumption level of an economy are directly linked. An increase in the production limits in a country will resul t in a proportional increase in real GDP of that country and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Global Warming - Essay Example I tend to conquer with the Global Warming High Priest, Al Gore, that global warming has emerged a moral issue of interest; even if it is always challenging to legislate morality. Every human can in one way or another contribute to global warming; individually or collectively through the use of industries and the industrial products such as fuel. The major issue in the expected kind of morality involves the attainment of the universally accepted moral orders and values to govern the phenomenon of Global Warming. Amicable self-reflection concerning Global Warming, which seems controversial, can help us shift the so regarded - the accepted code of behavior, to a considerably just as well as a fair conclusion which benefits the universal (common) good. The loudest voice concerning morality emerges from people of belief (faith). To achieve a beneficial moral standard, everyone should strive to see an inspired social change concerning Global Warming. Concerning the latest science over Global Warming, it is paramount to focus on the establishment of a balance between the common good and self-interest. Entities such as industries should adopt high morals, especially while disposing of industrial gases which deplete the Ozone layer. They can choose to invest on the further utilization of industrial gases instead of releasing them to the contextual atmosphere. Dilemmas surrounding Global Warming: Industries have to dispose of industrial gases but this has a direct impact on the Ozone layer thus contributing towards global warming.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Munich Oktoberfest Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Munich Oktoberfest - Case Study Example the festival allows for very little expenditure on marketing activities because everyone around the world knows that this festival takes place annually. Attractive expansion strategies like the introduction of carousels, shooting, bigger tents and music kept on strengthening the festival’s roots (Press Release, 2013). It is an opportunity of trade and business for many potential brewers and other service providers because of the high number of visits per year. Organizers grant licenses to beer tent and rides operators after stringent procedures. Thus, quality control and consistency of events have made Oktoberfest a successful event. The City of Munich definitely makes money both by direct and indirect means. Direct means of money are the profits earned by conducting the event. For example, revenue generated from rents and royalties. The city has reduced all expenditures like marketing using innovative public relations strategies. It funds a poster making competition and the winning designs are used as official advertising.  Such activities not only spread good word of mouth but also promote the event across borders attracting many tourists. Munich’s Tourism is indirectly benefited through this festival because once these tourists enter the city, they require accommodation, and they go for shopping spending approximately EUR 213 per day (Alcacer et. al, 2014). The city also enjoys high rates of employment during the festival in many departments such as health, police, airlines, hospitality, food and beverages (Behrmann & Suess, 2014). According to the case, an average server of the event is expected to earn EUR 5,400 which can go up to EUR 15, 000. Thus it is a money-making opportunity for all. The city and the local public are beneficiaries of the revenues earned by the Oktoberfest. The case states that admission to tents is free of cost- if the organizers put a nominal entry fee into every tent, the profits would inflate tremendously. Moreover, the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Why Facebook Acquired Whatsapp Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Why Facebook Acquired Whatsapp - Essay Example Facebook and WhatsApp are among the leading social media platforms in the modern world. The two social Media have a significant number of users that each pose a threat to another as far as the social media business is concerned. In comparison to other social Media that have been in existence before the invention of WhatsApp, Facebook was dominating the market with the highest number of users. With the coming of WhatsApp in the social media market, it intensified the completion to a point where Facebook opted to acquire it. Â  Apart from the excessive competition in the social media market brought about by Whatsapp application, there are many other ways to justify the acquisition of Whatsapp by Facebook. Just like in other forms of business, one business my either merge with another or fully acquire it depending on the business environment they both face. According to studies by Ireland, Hoskisson and Hitt (2012 p, 133), one business may acquire another in order to increase its growth, gain market power, manage risks and reduce costs. In relation to such acquisition reasons, Facebook owners made the move to acquire Whatsapp in order to increase its growth in the social media market. Acquiring Whatsapp, which is a strong competitor, would also help Facebook manage the risk of elimination from business and cut costs of operation such as advertising. Management of such factors would subsequently lead to an increase in the market power by Facebook. Â  In studies conducted by Frankel (2011 p.22), he notes that, among the main reasons why one business may acquire another include customers and market share. One business may want to take over the customers of a competing business and successively take over the market share.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Social Media and Gap Incorporated Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Social Media and Gap Incorporated - Essay Example Social media represents any effort on behalf of the marketing company in the online environment which promotes socialization or offers insight into consumer opinion through the use of user-generated content (Smith, 559). Some companies are even taking advantage of social networking site models like Twitter’s TweetBeep alert system which emails a professional whenever their company is mentioned in the social network (Hogan and Miller, 25). In order to make the site more interactive, Gap Incorporated can setup a consumer blog which rates certain fashions or the models that are being depicted in the online advertisements. A Rate This! promotion attached to visible consumer links would build interest in leaving comments. This system would need to be maintained by an information support systems team to update the information timely. This blog could give unique insights into consumer values, beliefs, and their current thinking toward the fashion industry as a whole. If the new inter active features are interesting and exciting enough, it will create a viral marketing outcome which should build higher consumer visits to the Old Navy, Gap, Banana Republic, et al. brands. Gap Incorporated should also consider the results of a recent study conducted by Cone Business which identified that consumers crave social interaction (Black, 41). This is due to the high rise of social networking and the amount of time consumers interact in the online social environment increasing. This study also identified that when important stakeholders are online (in this case the consumer) they are looking to speak with organizations and different brands in the digital environment (Black). Gap Incorporated should consider that interactive website promotions, such as a compete to win promotion battling different online users in a trivia contest for discounts, would also provide consumers with their

The Impact Prison Has on Families and Children Essay

The Impact Prison Has on Families and Children - Essay Example However, studies have revealed that problems ensue when parents have committed violations and infractions that led to their imprisonment (Robertson, 2007; King, 2002; Cunningham, 2001). As emphasized, parental imprisonment have been validated to provide negative effects on the lives of the children and those of the family members. The current essay hereby aims to determine and expound on the impact prison has on families and children by initially enumerating the effects of parental imprisonment on children in terms of their behavioral manifestations, in terms of financial situations and in the parent-child relationships or bonds. Effect on Children’s Behavior When parents are incarcerated, the reactions of children could be varied depending on demographic factors: their age, the social status of the family, the income level, peers, and the availability and access to forms of support. As disclosed by Robertson (2007), â€Å"often children of prisoners are discriminated against and stigmatised as a result of parental imprisonment and have suffered from trauma, fear, shame, guilt and low self-esteem. Relationships with other family members frequently suffer.Some children become withdrawn, are affected by increased health problems and regressive behaviour such as bed-wetting, suffer worsening performance and attendance rates at school or display increased aggression, antisocial or criminal tendencies† (Robertson, 2007, p. 9). These findings were corroborated in the study conducted by King (2002) who revealed that among the changes eminent from children’s behavior when their parent/s were imprisoned include: either becoming withdrawn and quiet or being hyperactive; acting up with the remainign caregiver; depression; and shyness exhibited to imprisoned parent/s (p. 56). Likewise, physical and mental health changes were also reported by Roberston (2007) to wit: â€Å"noted problems have included: changes in sleep patterns or eating behaviour; sta rting or increasing their use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco; stress; depression; and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder such as flashbacks about the crimes or arrests† (p. 9). Effect on Financial Situations Evidently, for very young children, the primary effect of parental imprisonment is the curtailment of regular and appropriate financial support. If the parent who was incarcerated was the breadwinner, the sole parent left to attend to the financial needs of the family will bear the burden for financial support. On the other hand, for parent/s who have had previous experiences of drug abuse prior to the incarceration were noted to have led to some improvement in the financial situation of the family (King, 2002, p. 54). Also, as emphasized by Cunningham (2001), â€Å"incarceration may necessitate relocation for the rest of the family, and hence disruption of schooling and loss of support networks. Moving house may result from economic hardship arising from the loss of the breadwinner, or a desire to escape media or family attention† (p. 36). Effect on Parent-Child Relationships Due to the restrictions posed in the prison setting, prisoners with children were reported to have difficulties maintaining their relationships with their children. As a consequence, there are perceived diminishing of parent-child established bonds and the loss of parental authority (King, 2002). Likewise, as it was apparently noted that children with parents

Friday, August 23, 2019

Motivating Employees and Team Building Research Paper

Motivating Employees and Team Building - Research Paper Example Headquartered in Iceland the Group operates in 28 countries with more than 7,000 employees. Actavis is one of the leading European providers of generic pharmaceuticals, with turnover and EBITDA in 2004 of EUR 452 million and EUR 115 million, respectively. It develops manufactures and distributes generics under its own brand name and acts as an outsourcing partner for other major pharmaceutical companies. The Bulgarian chapter of Actavis's history started in 1999 with the privatization of three state-owned pharmaceutical factories located in the cities of Dupnitca, Razgrad, and Troyan. In the five-year period to 2004, all of them have been completely renovated in order to comply with the European GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) Standards. Currently, Actavis operates in the country split into two divisions - Operations and Sales & Marketing. Actavis Operations is a holding company responsible for the management of the three factories providing first-class generic products, mainly for the Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian and CIS markets. The Sales & Marketing division is represented in the country by Actavis Bulgaria EAD, a company registered under the Bulgarian law. It employs about 200 people and operates three warehouses in the country. Actavis Bulgaria EAD is mainly focused on marketing the Group's products as first-class generics on the Bulgarian market, which is the third biggest market for the company's own brand revenues worldwide.Motivation means different things to different individuals. For some, it may be an incentive and for others, a psychological backing or setting a good example. Motivation is something abstract and the difficulties arise when one tries to explain its meaning and application. A wide variety of assumptions have been made on motivation by observing the resultant behavior of motivation. Based on these assumptions and research findings, motivation has been defined in a number of ways. Vroom defines motivation as a process, which governs choices made by persons or lower organisms among al ternative forms of voluntary activity. (Vroom, 1964) Motivations are the act of inducing an individual to follow a desired course of action. The desired course of action may be for the good of the individual or for the one who is inducing the individual towards the desired course of action or both. Zedeck and blood contend that motivation is a predisposition to act in a specific goal-directed way. (Sedeck & Blood, 1974) According to Atchison: Motivation is the immediate influence on the direction, vigor, and persistence of behavior. (Atchison, 1964) Gellerman defines motivation as steering one's actions towards certain goals and committing a certain part of one's energies to reach them. (Gellerman, 1963)

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Industrial Revolution in Europe Essay Example for Free

Industrial Revolution in Europe Essay The industrial revolution had a great impact on Europe, especially when it comes to social and economic aspects, since they underwent a great change during the period. Still, whether the industrial revolution was positive or negative as a whole depends on if you focus on either of these two aspects. Optimists will say that it was good, and theyll focus on the favourable consequences on economy. Pessimists, however, will focus on social aspects, since society suffered a decline as to way of life. When it comes to economy, most of the consequences of the industrial revolution on it were quite positive. Wages rose, and people had enough money to buy goods. Industry developed, making it more efficient to produce products with the help of machines. These made it more profitable for industries, since work was done faster and without a need for a big human work force, thus creating mass production. It was cheap to make goods, and they were produced at a large scale, which in turn led to consumers being able to afford more products. Another thing was the creation of banks, which favoured economy as they lent money to set up even more industries. Mercantilism also helped European countries, since they had a market for their goods. Also, industries were favoured by the construction of better roads and canals, and with the invention of the steam engine, as well as with the construction of turnpike trusts. Goods were transported in faster, safer and cheaper ways, which had a positive effect on industry and economy. The improvement of the transport system also had positive effects on social aspects. Now that people had more money, they could use it to go on day holidays to the coast, since they could use the railroad. Improvement in transportation also eventually led to the creation of national sport leagues, as teams could move around from place to place. Another positive consequence of the improvement of transport reflected on peoples diets. Fresh food could be transported faster and cheaper into urban areas, thus making it available for consumers, who, with the improvements in economy, now had money to buy it, as well as some mass produced clothes. Still, even if people had more money, standards of living didnt rise as  much. To get money, people had to work for long shifts, and housing was also more expensive. This made people pack together in small houses. Over-crowding inevitably led to the quick spread of diseases and illnesses as pollution from industries and wastes filled the cities, affecting people who lived very close together. People working in the city also had bad working conditions. They worked for long shifts under unhealthy conditions, and accidents were common due to the over-tiredness of the workers after so many hours of work. Also, for a family to meet monthly expenses, children had to work. Child labour was common, and children had harsh jobs, working all day instead of being able to go to school and get an education. Another negative consequence of the industrial revolution was the sharp increase of crime in cities. As industries and large farms prospered, small farmers and peasants suffered. Many were left without a job and thus migrated into the cities. Population increase in urban areas, however, didnt always match the increasing need for workers in industries; many people were left without a job and thus had to resort to crime to be able to survive. It is clear that the Industrial Revolution had a great impact on peoples lives throughout Europe. A capitalist economy flourished, while workers suffered unhealthy conditions as they struggled to survive in a changing society.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Legal and Practical Impact of Insolvency

Legal and Practical Impact of Insolvency Introduction The dissertation is going to consider the topical area of insolvency and the impact that it has on contracts that are in place with the insolvent company. A company may enter insolvency proceedings either voluntarily or be forced into the position by creditors and/or members. Similar processes exist for partnerships[1]. However, when a company enters into a position of insolvency, this creates a potentially difficult position in relation to the contracts that have been entered into on behalf of the company, prior to the company entering into insolvency and ultimately being dissolved. This research paper will look at the effects that insolvency has on these contracts, both in terms of commercial contracts and employment contracts. It will consider not only the legal impact but also the reality of how these situations are dealt with regarding the practicalities[2]. Hypothesis It is suggested that when a company enters into insolvency proceedings, whether on a voluntary basis or on a compulsory basis, the legal structure of what should happen to the relevant contracts is not, in fact, in line with what actually occurs. In reality, those involved in company insolvency will ensure that the contracts simply do not collapse but rather that economic value which exists in the contracts is maintained as much as is possible in the circumstances[3]. Objectives The main objectives of this research are to consider the legal and real impact of insolvency proceedings on contracts that are in place with the newly insolvent company. As a company can enter into contracts as its own distinct legal entity, this can result in a position where one party of the contract ceases to exist[4]. The aim of the research is to consider what should happen from a purely legal point of view in relation to the contracts that a company has entered into when it becomes insolvent and how this relates to the reality of what actually occurs. Due to the nature of commercial and employment contracts and the different legal principles that apply to these types of contracts and the potentially different implications that may arise from the treatments of these contracts, they should be analysed independently. It is suggested that the strict legal position is rarely followed due to the complex nature of the situation and this research aims to ascertain whether or not this statement is accurate[5]. Methodology Several different methods will be followed during this research. Initially, research and analysis will be conducted into what the strict legal position should be. This will involve looking at the relevant legislation and the way in which this should be interpreted strictly in relation to both types of contracts[6]. After the strict legal position has been ascertained, the case law relating to how this legislation has been applied, practically, in the courts will be established. A range of contracts (both commercial and employment) will be considered and looked at in order to ascertain what the agreed clauses state should happen during insolvency and how these issues are dealt with during court cases. At this point, it would also be helpful to consider what happens in other jurisdictions, both across the European Union and in one other developed country, in particular, such as the USA. Research will also be conducted as to what is used as the main alternative to insolvency, i.e. distressed business sales or carving up of assets. Perceptions are important in this field. Therefore, part of the research will be conducted with first hand interviews and questionnaires of business people (ideally company directors) on how they believe the contracts would work in the event of insolvency. This perception will then be compared with what is written in the contracts to see if the real perceptions meet with the legal drafting[7]. The research will focus on gaining a strict legal view as well as an understanding of what happens, in reality, in relation to the basic principles of contract, i.e. is there any difference between executed and non-executed contracts? Are there any differences, in reality, to the way contracts that are now frustrated are dealt with, in comparison to ones that could be performed adequately by another party? Limitation Commercial and employment contracts are often sensitive in their nature and not readily available for analysis. More specifically, companies that are entering into an insolvency scenario will be extremely reluctant to give information readily that relates to their commercial contracts. Many deals that are done with a company which is entering insolvency will be negotiated rapidly and with commercial secrecy, making the research particularly difficult to undertake. Insolvency is often something that businesses are simply unprepared to consider or discuss, as discussion of such issues can be seen as a sign of weakness. On this basis, it may prove difficult to speak to a sufficient number of directors about insolvency provisions[8]. Resources Resources used in this research will be relatively variable. Firstly, and arguably the most important resource, will be the legislation that underlies the area of insolvency law[9]. This is the fundamental part of the legal area of insolvency and will be the background for the remaining part of the research. Case law and analysis of legislation will then form the secondary part of the research when looking at the way in which the legislation actually operates on a practical level. Once the legal position has been established, direct contact will have to be made with individual companies. These resources will include questionnaires, direct analyses of the relevant contracts and perceptions of the contractual terms that are in place, in the event of insolvency. Commercial and employment contracts will be looked at separately due to their considerable differences in content, legal position and scope[10]. Timetable This research is expected to span a period of at least 8 months. The initial part of the research considering the legal context and provisions of the relevant legislation will create the foundation of the research and will be undertaken in the first 2 months of the research timetable. Towards the end of the first 2-month period, the case law and journals analysing the relevant legislation will provide the supplemental part of this initial research. After a full understanding of the legislation has been obtained, the research will move on to considering the practical reality of what happens in insolvency situations. Questionnaires and interviews will be conducted over a period of 2 months, with the remaining 3 months of the research being used to consolidate and conclude, based on the information gathered. Suggested Chapters Suggested initial chapters will include methodology and research background. In the main body of the research, the findings will be broken down to contain legislative provisions (both employment and commercial), case law and legal analysis relating to the legislation, directors’ perceptions, contractual provisions and overall conclusions drawing all information together[11]. It is anticipated that the conclusion section will draw together all of the above information and findings to establish whether or not the legal provisions relating to insolvency are followed, in practice, when a company enters into a position of insolvency. Bibliography Brousseau, Eric, Glachant, Jean-Michel, The Economics of Contracts: Theories and Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2002 Dickerson, A. Mechele, Insolvency Principles and the Odious Debt Doctrine: The Missing Link in the Debate, Law and Contemporary Problems, 70, 2007 Fletcher, Ian F., Insolvency in Private International Law: National and International Approaches, Oxford University Press, 1999 Goode, Royston Miles, Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law, Sweet Maxwell, 2005 Marsh, S.B., Soulsby, J., Business Law, Nelson Thornes, 2002 McKendrick, Ewan, Commercial Aspects of Trusts and Fiduciary Obligations, Oxford University Press 1992 Schwartz, Alan, A Contract Theory Approach to Business Bankruptcy, Yale Law Journal, 107, 1998 Schwartz, Alan, Bankruptcy Contracting Reviewed, Yale Law Journal, 109, 1999 Thorpe, Chris P., Bailey, John C.L., Commercial Contracts: A Practical Guide to Deals, Contracts, Agreements and Promises, Institute of Directors, Kogan Page Publishers, 1999 Unt, Lore, International Relations and International Insolvency Cooperation: Liberalism, Institutionalism, and Transnational Legal Dialogue, Law and Policy in International Business, 28, 1997 Yemin, Edward, Bronstein, Arturo S., The Protection of Workers Claims in the Event of the Employers Insolvency, International Labour Office, International Labour Organization, 1991 Footnotes [1] Fletcher, Ian F., Insolvency in Private International Law: National and International Approaches, Oxford University Press, 1999 [2] Brousseau, Eric, Glachant, Jean-Michel, The Economics of Contracts: Theories and Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2002 [3] Yemin, Edward, Bronstein, Arturo S., The Protection of Workers Claims in the Event of the Employers Insolvency, International Labour Office, International Labour Organization, 1991 [4] Marsh, S.B., Soulsby, J., Business Law, Nelson Thornes, 2002 [5] Schwartz, Alan, A Contract Theory Approach to Business Bankruptcy, Yale Law Journal, 107, 1998 [6] Dickerson, A. Mechele, Insolvency Principles and the Odious Debt Doctrine: The Missing Link in the Debate, Law and Contemporary Problems, 70, 2007 [7] Goode, Royston Miles, Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law, Sweet Maxwell, 2005 [8] Schwartz, Alan, Bankruptcy Contracting Reviewed, Yale Law Journal, 109, 1999 [9] Thorpe, Chris P., Bailey, John C. L., Commercial Contracts: A Practical Guide to Deals, Contracts, Agreements and Promises, Institute of Directors, Kogan Page Publishers, 1999 [10] Unt, Lore, International Relations and International Insolvency Cooperation: Liberalism, Institutionalism, and Transnational Legal Dialogue, Law and Policy in International Business, 28, 1997 [11] McKendrick, Ewan; Commercial Aspects of Trusts and Fiduciary Obligations, Oxford University Press, 1992

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Mtc Touch Mission Marketing Essay

The Mtc Touch Mission Marketing Essay MTC touch is one of two mobile operators in Lebanon currently with more than 2 million subscribers. Since 2002 the mobile telecom sector is owned by the government and operated by 3rd party firms, thus MTC Touch is no anomaly, it is owned by the government and managed by Zain Group. As for competition MTC Touch is competing with its Rival Alfa the second mobile operator. MTC Touch mission Clearly defined missions can be managed better, to help assess MTC Touch business mission we will follow the four main points: Purpose, Strategy, Behaviors and Value (Campel Yueng, 1991) Purpose MTC Touch is committed to excellence and clearly states that Enhancing peoples lifestyle is one of its top missions through application and maintenance of Quality management system that is ISO compliant (Touch, n.d.) Strategy MTC Touch is embracing every opportunity to improve and optimize its products and services and be an active contributor to the community (Touch, n.d.) Behavior Standards MTC Touch is betting on its high level of professionalism and internal coordination by providing a special place to work (Touch, n.d.) Value MTC Touch believes in adding value to its Stakeholders and its customers through continuous innovation, performance and quality MTC Touch Marketing Lebanon was notorious for its slow internet, In Late 2011 MTC Touch launched its 3.9G network and offered five new data packages, ranging from 10$ to 99$, and three new blackberry services, ranging from 1.5$ to 4.5$ a week, urged by market forces to develop variety of marketing mixes (Borden, 1964) . Market Orientation MTC Touch operates domestically in a Business to Consumer marketing fashion; it is worth looking at the Market Orientation and its evolution within MTC Touch, and assess the main components: customer orientation, competitor orientation and inter functional coordination (Stanley Narver, 1994). To accommodate to its customer value chain which is evolving with time and to create superior value for its customers MTC Touch was urged to continuously improve current services and launch new services. By knowing its rival Alfa short-term weakness, which was in the process of launching 3G, and with the launch of more advanced and latest 3.9G technology, MTC Touch demonstrated well developed competitor orientation practices. MTC Touch knew that for successful release of the new products they have to build a swat team to coordinate internally which demonstrated strong focus on inter-functional coordination demonstrated by the launch of its products in sync with network upgrade, marketing campaign and distribution facilities. It is clear that the market orientation is serving the global strategy goal declared in MTC touch mission, This gives us how close to the customer they aim to be and how effective they are in responding to market changes (Baines, et al., 2011). Effective marketing strategy requires homogeneous segmentation of market in response to market heterogeneity, understanding the needs and providing the right products (Baker Hart, 2008). The following illustrates the segmentation and different factors known as the marketing environment affecting the MTC Touch marketing mix. The Marketing Environment Factors that affect the marketing mix are known as the marketing forces, this section will shed the light on those factors that affected MTC Touch marketing mix, in a differentiated marketing approach. The Socio-cultural environment pushed MTC Touch to release variety of products for business users, teenagers, light and heavy users, as failing to adapt to such changes through changes in products mix will ultimately have bad impact on companies (Baines, et al., 2011) , it is always good to understand the variation in income in individuals life time and its influence on buying trends (MarketingTeam, n.d.). The economical environment which has direct impact on consumer behaviors (Borden, 1964) where it identifies how much people can spend buying products, urged MTC Touch to release products at different prices. The Technological environment which is shifting more towards mail and web based marketing in current technology evolution era (Sclater, 2005) was demonstrated through MTC Touch advertisements utilizing Facebook, websites, tweeter and YouTube. The Legal and governmental environment in Lebanon of which companies have to follow strict regulations over pricing, promotions and advertising (Borden, 1964), The Dilemma here was to attack rivals network and products given that direct comparison is banned. The industrial environment represented by realizing the size, strength, motivations and attitudes of direct competitor (Borden, 1964) ,which is ALFA this case, as a result MTC touch rushed to upgrade its network and responded to the pressure of booming Smartphones and the incredibly data hungry applications to satisfy its customers. The Ecological environment puts more pressure caused by Government and MTC Touch being committed to be eco-friendly, as consumers are becoming more worried about the impact of products on the environment (Baines, et al., 2011);MTC touch green success comes in the form of replacing obsolete generators and use eco friendly ones to reduce pollution and also demonstrated by the launch of several green services such as ATM recharge, online recharge, credit transfer, bill e-pay and online provisioning (Touch, n.d.). Apart from external factors listed above another forces affected the marketing mix which are related to consumer behaviors. The consumer behavior factors of which we consider, the individual part where customers are in need for high speed internet to stay connected to work and social hubs in a world of smartphones, Roamers are in need and looking for high speed internet services that match with to their home countries, MTC Touch was missing huge amount of unidentified revenue, the sociological part presented through the influence of other consumers either friends or family members that are already aware of such products such as inbound Roamers (Baker Hart, 2008) Segmentation This section will examine the segmentation procedures used by MTC Touch which were based on profile, behavioral and psychological criteria, good segmentation identify the groups that are worth looking at, the underserved and the dissatisfied (Yankelovich Meer, 2006). Behavioral based on consumers usage of mobile internet, social, functionality and people being so attracted to technology Profile based on demographics such as age, income, occupation and education Psychological based on consumers interest, personality and their lifestyles. MTC Touch launched products targeting roamers and extensive consumption customers as marketing today is becoming more focused on smaller but profitable segments in a way to be more efficient and effective (Duncan, 2002). The Marketing Mix Marketing is a key management discipline (Marketing, n.d.) In which MTC Touch considers it as a philosophy for reaching new customers by offering different marketing mix to different segments, and to be a successful one it should have the four rights: product, place, time and price (Marketing, n.d.). Product Through this product mix offerings MTC Touch tried to enhance customer perception by maximizing the customer benefit of their offerings (Borden, 1964) , they were able to reach new business segment through their blackberry products, this launch was coupled with several intangible services such as Credit Transfer, online provisioning and free mobile app to manage and monitor usage Price By launching different products, MTC touch tried to target different market segments business and personal, they even launched same product in different prices but different consumption cap, which enabled them to reach both low and high income market segments. Promotion To promote their new products, MTC Touch covered different aspects advertisement, PR and branding where it made use of TV, Radio, website, creating weekly episodes to maintain online hype and interaction and billboards (Lynx, 2012).in conjunction with the launch MTC Touch had plenty of offers such as free prepaid to postpaid switch, Free night data usage, 40% discount on night voice calls and all day on Sunday. The Bati2 campaign, in English (too slow), won the first prize in Dubai international advertisement festival, MTC Touch challenge due to regulations was to communicate to customers that the new 3.9G network is faster than the rivals 3G network and the solution was speedy and amigo with a mission to find anything faster than 3.9G. Results were instantaneous, Bati2 was everywhere in tweets, jokes, comments on sports, politics and the latest news, on facebook, it was even on popular TV programs. As a result MTC Touch added over 200 000 new subscriptions within 6 weeks (Lynx, 2012) Place MTC Touch reaches everyone anywhere, recharge cards available in MTC Touch retail stores, market Shops, Fuel Stations, Mobile outlets, online charging is also another option, ATM recharge and even Credit transfer between MTC Touch customers. Packaging Aligning their branding strategy with packaging, MTC Touch stresses on the High Speed message, all recharge cards comes out with Speedy and Amigo on the cover People MTC Touch fell short in this area, They didnt have the competitive edge in both presales and post sales support, appropriate training was not provided for call center employees, there is no process defined for submitting a support ticket, The Retail employees dont have enough information about the released products and were not a help to customers to best select the product that fits Evolution of influencing Forces We are living in a dynamic world with continuous changes of behaviors, of which the successful firm has to adapt to those changes and shall predict consumers and competitors responses to its products, a firm that is always seeking opportunities and creating them, a firm that has foresight and observing market signals whether they are natural, economical, social, industrial or technological (Borden, 1964). The marketing mix is nothing but a solution to a problem at a given time and should never be constant or fixed, markets evolve and become more challenging, marketing mix should be as well in continuous motion responding to markets, to consumers, to competitors and to other external forces (Borden, 1964). MTC Touch and influencing Forces The economical factor; Lebanon is passing through difficult times and the mobile rates are still highest if compared to the region despite the current reduction in prices. Further reduction in prices may be faced with legal constraints from the government. The Technological factor; in the era of social media where people posting their bad perception of products online and in reach of everyone, The Legal, governmental and political factor; changing prices is limited by government, political issues continue to evolve in Lebanon and the whole region which will have impact as Leading political parties will always aim to have more control on the telecommunication sector through changing the management team , thus impacting the whole firm strategy. The government is planning to release a third license in Lebanon ,as a result this will redistribute the market share, another negative note would be low prices offered by the new entrant as it will be given a grace period in terms of offers and prices. The industrial factor; Telecom sector is dynamically evolving and todays technology could be obsolete by tomorrow, MTC Touch rival is in plan to upgrade their network to 3.9G by then MTC Touch will lose their technological edge, Data usage is surging due to the introduction of smartphones. Consumer behaviors are rapidly changing, high speed internet and being socially connected is becoming more a need not a demand, and Consumers are looking for services that fit their needs. Response to Changes MTC Touch should always be creative and innovative in terms of developing and adjusting its marketing mix, should follow the trend and respond to its customers by always being up-to-date in terms of technologies and offered products, should always target the underserved consumers by offering new products or by adapting its current marketing mix. MTC Touch should have more focus on Relationship marketing with consumers and distributors to increase their sense of loyalty, to engage consumers in developing or adjusting products; more focus on integrated marketing through communicating with consumers, try to answer their questions, get their feedback; more focus on Internal marketing through aligning the vision with stakeholders and employees, giving them sense of involvement. Marketing Research Marketing research is the process of gathering, analyzing and communicating information to provide the business with insight to assist taking marketing decision for future activities to successfully satisfy consumers through understanding their needs, motivations and ambitions (Baines, et al., 2011). Marketing research methodology process consists of different stages with a continuous feedback loops to help go back and assess work done or take corrective actions (MarketingTeam, n.d.). The process starts with defining a problem or an opportunity where the precise definition will aid shaping the market research objectives through better understanding of the needed information. Possible triggers are market conditions, competitor actions, market share or consumer behaviors. Research Approach development, decides how to proceed with the activities, what data is needed and how to collect it, how to coordinate internally or with the researcher to make the research more comprehensive. Research design development, selects the research method to be followed whether it is descriptive, exploratory or casual research, this stage also decides the selection of research agency, whether to go in-house or outsource. Data Collection and sampling, Data sources can be secondary or primary data and will be collected based on selected research method, this may include observational, Qualitative or Quantitative method, while Survey Methods can take any of the following forms: by telephone, interviews or by email (Malhotra Peterson, 2001). Analysis and presentation, analysis will be performed Depending on the nature of collected data and collection method used (Baines, et al., 2011) Reporting, this step is as important as the whole process as it is the communication method to convey the research message in a well interpreted and understandable format to decision taking people. Market Research in MTC Touch Marketing research in MTC Touch is triggered either by identifying a problem or an opportunity. MTC Touch utilizes two sources for marketing research activities, Internal marketing department or consultancy research Agents depending on the identified issue. Outsourced activities fall under the research agency responsibility with MTC Touch being a support. Case Study 1: Mobile market penetration is low (53%) MTC Touch in collaboration with Lebanese ministry of telecommunications (MoT) which is the owner of the telecom sector in Lebanon noticed that the market penetration is as low as 53 % end of 2008; they triggered a marketing research to address the problem and identify possible solutions (TRA, n.d.). Problem: Mobile market penetration is low at 53%, while neighboring countries are enjoying 100+% mobile penetrations Research Findings: The research aimed at understanding the behaviors of customers, the market structure, challenges and drivers. The research covered different categories such as mobile, internet and data. The main purpose was to shed light on issues such as penetration, usage habits, improvements and needs. Research was conducted by a consultancy market research firm which included surveys in face to face meetings and interviews fashion, with residential customers, corporate customers in a way to cover representative quotas for age, gender and socio-economic classes and different business sectors covering all Lebanese counties, also concluded interviews with providers covering topics like: objectives, plans, service offerings and regulatory implications. The data collected showed that 47% of the target group is non-mobile users and the reasons were either they dont need a mobile, evident among old people (55-64), or because of expensive call rates. Other issues were highlighted such as the short validity of prepaid cards, Very low awareness of value added services and calling rates among customers. As for areas of improvement the results came as follows, 89% of respondents were willing for reduction in costs whilst 43% for better service (TRA, n.d.). Main problem was related to product, price, promotion and customer satisfaction. Recommendations and Actions: Focusing on the research finding and recommendations, MoT in collaboration with MTC Touch decided to undertake a 40% discount on all calls in offpeak hours, introduced new prepaid cards at new rates and different validity time where cost of ownership is 55% cheaper and new packages are 27% cheaper than active packages, new recharge vouchers at different validity time, new SIM cards and codes, New postpaid cards at new rates up to 36% discount on local calls and 20% on local sms, discounted rates on international sms and calls up to 20%.Introduce new friends family plans at a 40% discount for two selected numbers. Apart from above recommendations, the research mentioned several service improvements and customer satisfaction recommendations. Things like permitting subscribers to recharge during validity period, Provide extensive training to employees, Point of Sale (PoS) and customer care centers to support new offerings, Enhance distribution agreements to expedite promotion of new offerings and launch marketing campaign to raise customers awareness for all new products. Results: Post execution results as of December 2011; shared by MoT and MTC Touch, showed tremendous success, a 28% increase in mobile penetration, increase in revenues as reported by ministry of telecommunication and increase in customer satisfaction, mtc touch maintained its leadership position at 59% market share. Analysis: The case study illustrates marketing research approach with MTC Touch and how it influence decisions related to marketing mix for new offerings. The study shows that the problem was related to Product, Price and promotion in specific, communication and awareness. The research started by defining the problem and then selecting best approach to tackle it and prepare the right mix. It gives evidence that a well designed market research addressing root cause of the problem will achieve splendid results; it shows how the segmentation of the problem helped to tackle it in different ways. Market Research Improvement The technology evolution and the globalization of markets introduced firms to new markets and new ways of conducting market research, information being available and in reach of customers urges the management to the need of hearing consumers, better understand their needs, ambitions and behaviors, thus marketing research became the mean to link management and consumers (Malhotra Peterson, 2001). Technology enhanced the effectiveness and efficiency of market research and led to increase dependency on it, The availability of huge data warehousing enhanced it through computer assisted techniques, The availability of industry and government research reports made it much easier to acquire information, The ability to save huge number of transactions increased the accuracy and The availability of internet and its nature being available to everyone and the amount of information reachable made execution faster, easier and at lower costs. (Malhotra Peterson, 2001) To improve its Market research and marketing mix, MTC Touch should be more active in the social media domain, as social sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are available to everyone, MTC Touch should listen to what customers say, understand their needs and behaviors and perceive feedback on its new products. MTC Touch should be more involved in analytical analysis methods, as Data often lends itself to statistical analyses to extract as much information as possible (Emblemsvà ¥g, 2005). The huge amount of data they possess including customers usage records, network trends and customer behaviors, the amount of tools they have to monitor customer experience and network performance, All this can play an important role in engaging customers passively in their market research, can help them understand the effect of all factors on the marketing mix and measure its efficiency to help model new marketing mix. They can use such data to find patterns, behaviors and correlations and use such correlations to optimize the marketing mix.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Birth Control: Past and Present :: Contraceptives, Birth Control Essays

Contraceptive techniques have been traced back to Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. The modern movement of birth control began in Great Britain where the writings of Thomas Robert Malthus stirred interest in the problem of overpopulation. The first birth control was founded in 1878 in Amsterdam by a woman called Aletta Jacobs. Aletta and Margaret Sanger were advocates of birth control so they were trying to develop clinics and promote birth control. In 1914, Margaret Sanger was arrested for publishing information about birth control in her magazine Women Rebel. She became America’s most influential advocate of birth control in the 1910’s. In 1921, another birth control advocate named Marie Stopes, along with the Malthusian League, established a birth control in London. In the United States, the first birth control clinic was opened in 1916 by Margaret Sanger in New York. The clinic was soon closed, but the police and Margaret received a thirty-day jail sentenc e. Soon after, in 1917 she helped organize the National Birth Control League, but in 1921 it became known as the American Birth Control League. Later, in 1942 it became the notorious Planned Parenthood Federation of America and in 1961 the Planned Parenthood World Population. Throughout the 1940’s and 1950’s birth control advocates were engaged in numerous legal suits. In 1965, Connecticut was one of the only states that prohibited the use of contraceptives. It wasn’t until 1967, when the federal government became being more active in the birth control movement. Six percent of the funds of the Child Health Act were set aside for family planning. In 1970, the family planning services and Population Act provided separate funds to support birth control. The first country to provide government assistance for birth control was Sweden. In Japan, the birth control programs helped reduce dramatically the birthrates. Birth control and sex education in schools continue to be emotional issues in the United States, where teen pregnancy and sexual activity rates are high. The Roman Catholic Church has provided the main opposition to the birth control movement. The practice of contraception is to limit reproduction.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Ethical Implications of Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Warfare Essay

Ethical Implications of Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Warfare Thesis As current problems of terrorism and the war on Iraq, chemical, biological and nuclear warfare (CBW) issues are important and relevant. CBW agents are dangerous, uncontrollable and undifferentiating weapons of mass destructions. Chemical, biological and nuclear weapons are capable of mass destruction aimed at killing masses of people. Using CBW agents comes with many ethical dilemmas and consequential side-effects. Chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons are designed to yield a great number of deaths. Regarding the ethical use of CBW, while looking at the larger context of war, one must determine the value of life. As backed by Virtues Ethics, this mass killing caused by CBW is unethical and unjustified. Introduction News of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons seem to plague today's newspapers. Taking a glance at headlines, one would read about current issues regarding Iraqi disarmament of weapons of mass destruction, Russian government intentional use of a gas that killed rebels and hostages, and terrorist threats on the United States. Chemical and biological warfare (CBW) is not a new problem in the war against terror; it was a danger to communities centuries ago. There are many accounts of deliberate use of biological or chemical agents during war. Some of these earliest accounts mentioned are found in the 6th century BCE when the Assyrians poisoned enemy wells with rye ergot, a fungus disease. Also at that time Solon of Athens used the purgative herb hellebore, during siege of Krissa. The Bible describes the ten plagues of blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the slaying of the f... ...ns Disarmament Yearbook. (2002). United Nations: New York: United Nations. Hersh, Seymor M. (1968). Chemical and Biological Warfare. Indiana: Bobbs-Merill. McCormick, Dr. Matt. Immanuel Kant-Metaphysics. Retrieved November 18, 2002, from University of Tennessee at Martin web site: Reuters. On anniversary of Japanese subway attack, many fear cult resurgence. Retrieved November 18, 2002, from CNN web site: Rose, Steven. (1968). CBW: Chemical and Biological Warfare. Boston: Beacon Press. SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). (1977). Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Environment. New York: Crane, Russak & Company. Solomon, Brian. (1999). Chemical and Biological Warfare. New York: H.W. Wilson.

A Comparison Between Desirees Baby & Stench Of Kerosene Essay -- Engli

A Comparison Between Desirees Baby & Stench Of Kerosene 'Stench Of Kerosene' was written by Amrita Pritam approximately fifty years ago. This emotional short story mainly revolves around the relationships between a woman, her husband and his mother. Another important theme is the significance of cultures and traditions in the protagonists' lives. The main characters are Manak and Guleri, who are husband and wife. Guleri and Manak are a loving couple who live with Manak's mother in a small village in India. Guleri cannot give birth and her mother-in-law desperately wants a grandchild. Once a year, during a special festival, Guleri visits her parents in a nearby village. This year, Manak halfheartedly tries to persuade his wife not to go. Adamant, Guleri pays no heed to her husband's baseless wish, and goes to visit her parents regardless. Upon her departure, Manak's evil mother decides to bring an end her grandchild-less status, and immediately purchases a wife for Manak, in the hope that this new bride could have the baby Guleri could not. When news of her husband's betrayal reaches Guleri, she commits suicide by dousing herself with kerosene, and consequently setting herself alight. 'Desirees Baby,' by Kate Chopin, amongst other themes, also explores the theme of relationships. Desiree, the female protagonist, is an orphan who was found at the front of the Valmonde home, lying asleep in the shadows of a big stone pillar. Madame Valmonde, the owner of the large house cannot have children; hence welcoming the child and treating her as her own. When Desiree grows up, she marries a man from a prestigious family. After a period of marital bliss, they both have a child whom they immensely love.... ...they do not obviously state what was wrong with the women. Desiree is made out to be so sweet and loving - her beauty helping to draw the readers into sympathy for her. It is not blatantly stated that it was stupid of her to commit suicide. Likewise, Guleri should really have had trust in her husband, and listened to what he told her instead of proudly ignoring his pleas. This shows that although their relationship outwardly shows happiness, there were some serious problems that occurred beneath the surface. Hence, I conclude that in 'Desiree's Baby," Armand was wrong to have so much pride, but Desiree's weak character spurned her awful fate. In 'Stench of Kerosine,' Manak was weak and stupid, but the consequences of his marrying again could have been avoided if Guleri trusted her husband. It is simply too easy to blame the men entirely for what happened.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Catcher in the rye dairy entires

Catcher In the Rye: Diary entries * Be the main character from your novel. * Create fictional diary entries about each chapter. * Each entry you need to write in first person in the point of view of the main character. * Possible Ideas about the entry: You can write what happened to the character in that chapter, and have the character reflect on the events that happened, what he/she would have done differently, or what that character questions; any possible connections to family, values, historical events or prior events.Dairy entry #1 : Hello, I'm here in my rest home in which I came for therapy. I don't really want to talk about my early life. But I to have mention D. B my older brother that is a Hollywood writer which I believe that he is only searching for fame. My life's a complete mess I tell you. I was attending Penny Prep back in Pennsylvania. Just because I was not ready to â€Å"apply myself†, I flunk four of my five courses thus I will never come back, that's for s ure. I remember I was there overlooking the football field which I had no interest in being there were Penny plays its annual grudge.I was there because I was supposed to be in New York because I'm the manager of the fencing team but I accidents lost the teams utile on the subway and all, but I actually don't care. I have really good memories form things that happen there but I sure had to leave. I remember having to go and say goodbye to Mr.. Spencer because he meant a lot to me, although his smoking kills me. Dairy entry #2: So I go and greet Mr.. Spencer and OMG he is in decrepit conditions. As always he was trying to lecture me on my academic failures and his quotes about all this crappy things.I do hate him when he told me that he had flunked me. I couldn't handle on more word; I Just hate to be lectured. So guess what I did? (Obviously not trying to rut that accusations). Yeah baby I left to my dorm room. Dairy entry #3: So I was there living in Johannesburg hall, reading my b ook with my hunting hat when I was interrupted by Ackley. Btw, he is a student who lives next door who is terrible hygiene when it comes to his teeth and is always making up lies on how â€Å"sexual active† he is. While he was trying to mug me, Seedeater enters my room and mentions some kind of date he is having.You are probably wondering who Seedeater is, so yeah Seedeater is the one good looking tall and attractive guy, who I don t know why always get to handle sexy girls. Diary entry #4: So I am there next to that Jerk talking to him while he shaves and whistles the â€Å"Son of India† with his piercing whistles that never tune. Just for the sake of it I have to say UK I hate how his razor is always so dirty. He is quite attractive though. Seedeater all the sudden asks me to write his English composition about some god dam descriptive thing and tougher then writing him a composition was that I had to â€Å"not stick all the commas in the right place. Why? Because h e was a stupid bastard that didn't do well at all in his English class. Then I started tap dancing for the sake of it. After a while of doing stupid things together I asked him who his date was and he wouldn't tell me for while, then after a couple of guesses he told me he was dating Jean Gallagher. His date was Jane Gallagher. Yeses! My Jane Gallagher. I talked to Seedeater about her for a while and told him to send her my regards and to no tell her I got kicked out. Then Ackley entered the room again. I think this was the very first time I was glad to see him and set there touching his dirty face until dinner time.Dairy entry #5 We were their having the same meal as every Saturday night the same steak. When we got out of the dining room we got about three inches of snow in the ground. I didn't have nothing to do so me and my friend Mall and Ackley decided to go to the movies like an old couple of gays. But instead we went and ate some hamburgers'. When we came back we handed toget her for a while and as always Ackley was always saying his stories about a girl he should have had sex with. After he left my room I stared writing the composition.I had no idea what to write about but then all the sudden I diced I was going to write about Allies baseball mitt my litter brother that died. He had read head and was terrifically intelligent. In fact the most intelligent of my family. That might probably be because he was left handed some believe that if you are left handed you are smarter. I loved him and I loved to play with him. God, he was a nice kid. I slept in the garage the night he died and broke all the windows in there. Anyways, that's what I wrote Straddle ‘RSI composition about and it was about ten-thirty when I finished it.I was board so I Just sat there looking through the window. Diary entry #6 I am stuck here in my rest room and its quite hard to remember everything that appended but I do remember that when Stalled got back from hid date and saw th e composition he hated it. He said it was supposed to be about something god dam descriptive and that what I did. But no, he had to complain about it so I took the paper and ripped it. I was no really glad I did that but I had to do it. I was really mad at him. I lit on a cigarette Just to bother Stalled, he hated when people broke the rules.He sat there cutting his stinky nails and said sit about his date. I remember he was quit late. After a while of my asking he stared fooling with me and I told him to cut it out. He told me he stayed in a car. In the basket ball coaches car. He said he gave her â€Å"the time†. We fought for a while, I fight in which I didn't have to get into because it ended with him sitting on my God dam chest and my nose was quite bleeding. I was so bucking mad. When the hell was he going to stop giving girls the time, especially to girls like Jane? I thought the probably Ackley heard the fight so I crossed the curtains and went to his room.After all I am so glad that I had Ackley, he is someone I can go to when I am down and he is going to understand me. Sometimes Seedeater is not more than a pain in the ass. Diary entry #7 Hello Diary so I went into Cackles room and turned on the lights and Ackley woke up. I was very down I swear, I lied there in Eels bed, that's Cackles roommate. He had gone home for the week end. That room stinted , I mean after all it was Cackles room. I Just started calling Ackley a prince and a gentleman and he really was. He asked me what the fight was about but I was a very long story.I sat there and thought about Jane and all. It drove me crazy. Every time I thought about that I Just wanted to Jump of the window. Ackley reminded me that Ely would flip if he came in and saw me in is bed but I couldn't care less. After a while Ackley slept and I was trying not to think about the situation but I Just couldn't, it kept poking my brain. After I while I heard stupid Seedeater come back from the can and go to the room. I was thinking about joining to monastery and asked Ackley about it but then decided it was not my thing. I know I'm not that religious.I got up from Eels bed and walked toward the door. I decided to leave this atmosphere in this place was driving crazy. I didn't know if this would be a good choice but I was sick and tired. On my way stopped to say good bye o Ackley. I packed my stuff and left everybody was asleep and the corridor was empty. I Just wanted to leave Penny that's all I wanted to do. Diary entry #8: I took the worst decision I could have ever taken, walk to the station I know it wasn't too far but I was freezing. Every part of me hated that type of cold but it was too late to call a cab.So I got to the station and only had to wait about ten minutes to get a train. I get board in trains and I was thinking about buying some magazines but then I tough I was not even going to read them because the situation I was in. I Just didn't feel like it. So the train arrive d and this lady set next to me. The whole train was empty but no, she had to seat right next to me. Just for the sake of it She look at my bags and saw the Penny prep sticker so she told me her son Ernest Morrow goes to Penny prep and asked me if I knew him. I did know him but he was a Jerk and a bastard he was a perfect definition of a accusations.Rather than me sitting there and telling her what a bastard her son was I sat there and I lied about what a good boy her son was an how sociable he was. After a while I asked her if she wanted to get a cocktail with me. What was I thinking, this woman know my age. I'm not fooling anyone. She denied the invitation. Then she asked why I was here and I lied about having this little tumor operated. I realized I was lying a little bit too much so I Just started reading my timetable. I was hoping she didn't ask anything else because I know I can lie for a while. I know it's wrong but it's so interesting.Diary entry #9: As soon as I got to Penn satiation I felt like giving someone a buzz. I felt lonely I thought about calling several people but it was too late at night. I was afraid if I called my little sister phoebe my mom would pick up the phone and notice it was me. Everyone had an excuse for why not to call them so I ended up not calling everybody. It was quit depressive though. So I got in a cab and ask the taxi driver to drive me to some goofy place and what he did was to get mad and I realized he was kind of a bastard so I Just told him to drive me to Edmond.I asked him to stay with me for a while, yeah that how lonely I was and he said he couldn't. I got to Edmond and check in, when straight up to my room and UN packed and all. That hotel was full of perverts you could tell by only seeing through the window. Sex is something I don't ally understand. It's kind of something extremely hot and UN heritable. I some for a while as I always do but I don't know why because I know its harmful but I still do it. I was feeli ng horse so I called this girl up that no a where but quit sexy. She kind of wrecked my planes down but what the hell.Whatever. Diary entry # 10: If you didn't know I hate to go to bed when I am not tired. So I was no tired at all and it was not that light so I went down to the lavender room where they had a club. I was really missing phoebe. I am a very sentimental guy let me tell you. So I went down to he Lavender room and stood there for a while and I order something but no I'm no aged enough for the accusations that attended me so I had to order coco. For the first time in my life I see the club tree young women alone. One was k, the other two were horrible.So I invited the cute one to dance to Buddy Dinners horrible music but talking to her you could notice why she was alone. She was a kind of stupid retard. Then I came over to the table where they were and talked to all three for a while. They talked about famous people and pretty much the same thing the pretty one told me tha t they had seen this famous guy named Peter Lore. Girls my friend.. .Girls can drive you crazy. They talked about where they work and many crap. Then they said they had to leave. Their names where Bernice Krebs or Crabs something like that , the two ugly ones name where Marty and Lavender.It was a cool night though the club was not awesome but it was something. Diary entry #11: Jane Gallagher in my mind again. Bucking Seedeater. I remember the whole day of when I met her and it was all because of a stupid Doberman Pinscher pooping on my mothers lawn and all. I hated when she was crying and I remember seeing her crying next to the swimming pool at the club. It was all like in the movies when a prince see a princess crying and then its all romantic and stuff. Yeah, that kind' crap. She always read and I loved to see her reading.I still have the picture in my head if when I was showing her Allies baseball mitt that had all the poetry because I knew she loved poetry. We were close to ki ssing one day but she didn't let me. I always thought of Jane like a different kind of girl. Any way that was what I was thinking while sitting in the sticking lobby chair. I thought that I knew she was not going to let him even get to first base but I was not actually that sure at all. The lobby was so depressing that I only got up to my room and sat down. I was quite board I tell you.So I went down to the lobby again and got a cab that drove me to Ermine's night club down at Greenwich Village. D. B uses to go there. Ernie is a big black fat guy who plays the piano. And he kills me, he think his an all star artist but he really stinks that the actual truth about the situation. Diary entry #12: The cab who brought me there was a freeing sticking old little cab and the taxi driver was all impatient guy. Like all other cab drivers. I'm sick and tiered of all theses god dam taxi drivers I need a car. I mean, taxi drivers are not even persons, they act like animals sometimes.So I go aga in and ask him what do the ducks do when the lagoon in central park freezes and he has no bucking idea. Then we stars to get all passed and then I ask him what fish do. I really made him think about that, really made him think about all these things. Btw his name was Hurwitz. Anyway, I finally got to Ermine's and what I padded old Hurwitz told me, â€Å"If I was a fish, Mother Natured take care you, wouldn't she? , you don't think them fish would die when it gets to winter? † I think he might have been the touchiest guy Vive ever meet.So I went into Ermine's I don't know why still but I was there and sat down like always they asked me for my age and I sat down on a table way on the corner on the back of the bar. The place was full of people clapping for the wrong thing like Ernie playing the piano. Many ugly girls that I believe have it tough. All the sudden I saw Lillian Simmons. This is a girl my brother was dating a long time ago. I talked for a while with her and she aske d me to go with her but I was not really in the mood, Vive actually should have gone. But you could see the interest she had in me she was not thanks to me, was because of my brother.She clearly has an interest in my brother still. Diary entry #13: So I walked back to the hotel. Not that I felt like walking but I certainly didn't fell like taking another stupid cab with another stupid taxi driver. So I walked forty-one blocks. It remembered me of the time when I left Pence Prep and I walked to the train station. I was missing my gloves, it was god dam freezing. If I knew what accusations have stolen my gloves back at Pence I would kiss their ass believe me I'm kind of a yellow guy and all. Well after all I might not be all yellow and stuff I manly Just one who doesn't give a damn about anything.Finally I get to my hotel and in the elevator the elevator guy tells me if I want a hook up that he could send me one so I was very exited it was going to be my first time. Tough I had quite a lot of chances to loose my virginity. So I went up and got all ready. After I while I didn't even feel like it. The prom is I get really sorry for them. I mean some don't know that they are even doing. After a while of practically doing anything with her, because as I said I felt like sit. I thanked her and gave her five bucks, but no. That accusations told me it was ten.The elevator dude had said five. So I told her to leave with the five and eave me alone. Diary entry #14: I was sitting in my chair up at my room. Smoking some cigarettes and thinking about past events in my life when all the sudden Bam Bam, someone was knocking my heat was really hard at the moment. It was sunny and Maurice charging me the bucking five dollar I apparently owed, but no one told me that. I said I didn't owe anything but what for? It only passed him more. He threatened me to tell my parents that I spent the night with a where. So sunny went and looked for my wallet.He Maurice snapped his finger in m y you know. And then punched me in the stomach they got the god am five dollars and left the hell of there. I stayed in the room for about an hour taking a shower and all. I got to bed and finally got some got dam sleep. All I felt was like suicide of Jumping out the window. Diary entry #1 5: I didn't sleep long. I was very hungry the last time I had eaten g was those hamburgers with Ackley and Brassard. Vive probably instead of wasting my money in some stupid woman in a stupid club at a stupid launders room I should have spent some in food.So I Just smoked a cigarette and that's it. I called Sally and we made an appointed to meet each other under the clock at the Baltimore at two. So yeah I made a date with her. So I got into a stupid cab again and went to grand central station. I check my wallet and I'm not as packed as before though my father is quite wealthy that it not an excuse of why should I be throwing money to the sky and all. My mother hasn't felt to healthy since Allele died that another reason not to tell them that I got expelled form Penny Prep. So I got to the grand and took a train where I met some god old nuns and stuff.One of them thought English classes and I talked to her for a while since English was the only subject I had not flunked. After a while they ere trying to find out if I where catholic. I gave them ten bucks; I wanted to give them more. They wouldn't let me tough. Well, whatever I need money for tickets and stuff. God dam money is always a mess and stuff. Diary entry #16: Hey, so I got there and got my breakfast but it as around noon and stuff. I made the appointment with sally at around noon so I had nothing to do and went for a walk. I tell you, I could go on miles and miles walking and never get tired.The nuns were in my head. To me honest with you I do not imagine anyone that I know doing that kind of charity, probably my mother. But my mother is not that Christian after all I think so. Then I see this family walking down th e street seeing everything around and I caught a little girl singing. I also saw a family with a mom a dad and a little boy that sang beautiful. He was singing that song â€Å"If a body catch a body coming through the rye. † Then I was kind of board and I thought maybe I game old Jane a buzz but I was no in the mood to talk with her god dam mother.I'm really moody guy. So I went ahead and bought some phonies tickets to a phonies show and stuff witch I knew sally would like. I hate shows but I knew old Sally would like the stupid show. All the sudden I came up with this lousy idea to look for Phoebe I don't exactly know why I wanted to look for her but I did, my idea to talk to a little girl which I tough would know her was very bad I looked like kid of a pedophilia. Anyways the girl told me she might be at the museum and thus I got there. And then I got all sad or happy o I don't know what was actually.When I tough about phoebe and stuff in the museum and looking at the anima ls and stuff Indians made in ancient times. I remember all those classes we talked about Columbus and all the stuff Isabella lending him dough to buy ships and all. I mean I loved the god dam museum. I can remember all the time I went in here. I Just saw everything and imagined her seeing the same things I saw and being different every time. It Just made me nostalgic. Diary entry #17: so it was about time to go to my date and all and then I got there and all touts stupid girls sitting there I mean It was probably because it was time for vacations and all.You could see on there face that they would probably all marry stupid guys. Then I saw Sally coming to me. I don't know if it was the impact on seeing someone I knew finally or that I if I really felt love inside me. I mean I could really feel the love flowing in the air. And I told her I loved her and all but of course I lied, but after all I meant it. So we went to see the stupidest play ever which she enjoyed. When we were coming out of the play and all some stupid guy she told me she knew came up to us and was all flirting and stuff, you could see over his clothes that he was a very rich guy.After she had the idea to go ice skate and all so we went and we fell and all. We looked awesome and all but in the end we didn't even know how to sake. When we finished skating we sat down and talked for I while, I have to admit it I talked al lot of sit to it UT I meant it you know. I meant it. Everything that had to do with marrying her and living together and love and all I said it. I told her something about moving to Vermont and cabin camps and everything. The all the sudden this words came out of my mouth, muff give me a royal pain in the ass, if you want to know the truth. She started to cry and all then I was bucking afraid of her god dam father which hated me so damn much but whatever then she left telling me not to take her home but whatever who cares. After all I really do not meant what I tell her but what ever she need to be happy and stuff I don't care. Tough I meant when I asked about marrying her I still don't care. Diary entry # 18: So when I left the skating rink I felt hungry and stuff and ate something. I thought about giving Jane another buzz to take her dancing and all because I knew she was a great dancer.I knew as well she liked the type of man that had zero brain and a lot of muscles. Which she had had inferiority complex and stuff. It's hard for me to understand girls I mean they say sit, a lot of sit. If they like a guy then they classify him as the type of guys that had inferiority complex and if they don't like the guy they ay he had inferiority complex as well. What the hell happens to girls. Its so hard for me to understand them, sometimes I prefer not to even think about them. Anyway I do not regret giving old Jane a buzz because she didn't even answer.So I called my old friend and stuff which I really liked and all. He was very smart by the way. He told me he coul d not meet with me so I went to the radio city movie and saw this hellhole bored thins that ended up with everybody laughing after all the drama and stuff. I recommend you not to see it because it is bucking bored. So we meet at this cool lace and stuff after dinner and all. While I walked to the place and all I thought about war and all. I have no clue why. Anyways it reminded me of D. B my brother, we has in the army for a while.He said the army was full of bastards and stuff. I started to remind me of Ackley and Seedeater in the army with me. D. B hated the army but still loved the bucking book of â€Å"The Great Gatsby' and stuff. Tough I liked it too. I'm so glad they invented the freaking atomic bomb; whenever they explode it again I would be the volunteer who sat on it. I actually don't know why I think that but whatever. Diary Entry #19: So I got to the bar and all, up at Sexton Hotel and I star to think about Luck and what an amazing guy he really is, his big and mature an d stuff.He is three years older than me and studies at Columbia University. Back when I was at Whatnot School Luck was the most amazing dude ever. He talked to us about hooking up and sex and stuff. Though I still think he is a phony. So he got to the place and all it was cool and all. I tried pocking his mind into talking to me about some sex stuff but he was not that into that. I think he was probably ashamed or something I don't really know what was it. He probably had gown now and leaves the â€Å"taboo† or whatever people call it behind. Anyway got really passed and left the bar.He was saying that I need some psychoanalysis sit. His dad was a psychoanalyst and all, I wonder if he had ever done one to his son. I don't care if he got annoyed by my questions an all I at least had someone to get entertained with. Diary entry #20: So Luck left the bar but I didn't really care I Just sat around and kept getting drunk. I don't really know why I wanted to get drunk anyhow. I at least wanted to get some girl from the bar to look at me but I was drunk as hell. So called the waiter to go ask a girl something for me but he probably didn't ask because it was bobbies he didn't care.People Just don't give others your massage. It makes me flip every time people do that. Just like Jane and Seedeater; he didn't give my god dam massage to her, and the waiter at Ermine's bar did the same sit. C'mon people! So I paid and everything and went out of the bar because I felt like giving old Jane a buzz again, I was drunk as buck you know. I went inside the phone booth to call her and all but I was not in the mood so I called old Sally Hayes. I dialed about twenty number before I dialed the erect one. I was DRUNK I tell you.So I went on with Sally and her grandma and I made a show out of me and all she kept saying me was to go home and all. I wish I would not have ever called her. By that time and the level of alcohol in my head I didn't even know where I had to be so I walk straight to the park where I went to see the ducks in the lake. I had a hard time finding the god dam lake, when I got there the ducks were not there. It was damn cool, I was freezing. I thought maybe I would have died of pneumonia and all. I thought of the bastard that would visit me. I hope someone would dump me in the river and all.Because who really wants to be in the cemetery all dead and all with flowers in your belly. After all I decided to go see phoebe I really missed her. I had spent a lot of money since I left Penny so I walked home. It was freezing and by then I was not that drunk. Diary entry #21: I am darn crazy, I have no idea what I problem is. The point is that I had the best brake ever. So I got home and Pete the regular guy that's always there was not here. There was this new guy I believe. So I needed a way to get up to my apartment so I said to the guy I needed to get to the Dickens's'.He told me they were up on the urethane floor in a party. He told me to stay and wait. I couldn't Just stay and wait! So I came up with a story about how I had this bad leg and it had to be in a certain position and all. So finally he felt pity for me and took me up so I Just waited till the elevator closed and instead of going to the Dickens's' side I turned to my house. So I opened up with my key and all and then I smelled the smell of my house, I could feel I was home. I sneaked in I knew the maid couldn't hear me because when she was little her brother stuck a straw right up her ear and all.I knew that if I touched anything my mother could hear me she had the lightest sleep ever, the straight opposite of my dad. So I went looking for Phoebe and found her sleeping in D. BBS room. She was there laying on the bed and all. I really missed her I loved old Phoebe a lot. I always say kids look lovely when they are a sleep. I love them all. So I sat there reading Phoebes stuff that was up o D. BBS huge desk. Anyways, I woke her up, honestly she is not very diff icult to wake anyways. So she wakes up and holds me and hugs e. She's a really affectionate girl though.Then I gave her a kiss. We talked for quite a lot of time. About everything in the world. Then I found out my mother and my father were not home but they weren't going to be home any way. I asked her if B. D was going to be home for Christmas but she didn't know. She told me something about a play he was writing and all I didn't really care at all. Then all the sudden she knew that got kick out. She knew because she smart people I tell you, she's damn smart. She told me about one hundred times that dad was going to kill me. I kind of knew but didn't think about it that much.I was talking to Phoebe which told me that I didn't like anything. I really didn't after all. I Just kind, like only kind like James Castle this guy who Jumped out of a window back at Election. She then told me what I would like to be when I grow up and in a summary of all I said I wanted to be the Catcher in t he rye and all. This comes from a poem by Robert Burns. Diary entry # 23: Mr.. Anatolian is very nice I mean he told me that late at night I could go to his house, in which I actually planned to sleep there. I told him I had flunked out of Penny I don't know why, I Just felt like to tell him.He was about the best teacher I ever had. Mr.. Anatolian was pretty young tough, was only a few years older then B. D. He was the one to pick up James back at Election when he flew out the window. So I stayed there with Phoebe and all we talked about her dresses and her plays and everything. We were then and then she told me to hush and all then I heard me parents come in, then I ran inside the closet and all and she came in told talked to Phoebe for a while then she left. So I went out of the closet when she left and decided I had to go. That was the exact moment to go so I put my shoes on and left.Phoebe asked me where would I stay and I planned to stay at Mr.. Anatolian house. Then I started to cry and all and Phoebe was scared and all but I Just cried and cried and all. Then I left and actually it was harder to sneak in then to sneak out. Tough I really didn't care if I got caught after all. Diary entry #24: So I went to Mr.. Antagonist apartment and all it was this very swanky apartment. Mr.. Anatolian was friends with B. D and when B. D went to Hollywood he said the someone like D. B had no business going there. Let me tell you I had to walk because I didn't want to spend Phoebes Christmas dough.So I got to their house and it was full of sit all over the place, it had glasses all over the place and dishes with peanuts. Mrs.. Anatolian didn't even want me to see her because she was all ugly and all. So we sat there and talked sit and all we has lecturing me as always and all. He asked a question or a â€Å"pedagogical† question as he said and from then on we would stop lecturing me. So Mrs.. Anatolian brought Coffey and then went back to sleep and all. Mr.. Ana tolian was drinking and he was quite a drunk bastard. He told me something that quiet scared me, he said that the sad talked to my father and my father was worried about me.He told me he didn't even know what to say to me, and frankly I understood him. So he lectured me a lot while I was tired. So told me how applied I had to be at school. He told me something I had never thought about, he said,†you're no the first person who was ever confused or frightened and even sickened by human behavior. † And that my friend, it the complete truth. He was really drunk by then. He told me as well, that only educated and scholarly man are able to contribute something valuable in the world and he really meant that those are the valuable records the come behind a man of that kind.I was really sleepy let me tell you, all the sudden I yawned, it was very rude I know, I don't know why I did that man. So he kind of notice I was sleepy he didn't get mad or anything, but after all I was happ y but a little ashamed. So while he fixed up the couch and all he asked me for my woman a sally and Jane and all those separate stories which I was really not in the mood to talk about. The couch was too short let me tell you but I dint mind. He told me something about finding out the size or your mind and all. So then he left me there and I slept, I was really sleepy so I slept right away.Then all the sudden the weirdest sit happened to me. I felt something rubbing my head in the middle of the night and it as old bastard Mr.. Anatolian rubbing my bucking head. So woke up as fast as I could and got all my things on and left. He followed me until the elevator and it was all creepy and stuff. I stared sweating and I really didn't even know what to say. That kind of stuff happened to me a lot and I can't stand it. Diary entry #25: After I left Mr.. Antagonist house it was damn cold outside and I took the sub down to Grand Central to take my bags, I really don't feel like saying much bu t let me tell you that I slept there.After all I should have probably stayed at his house because he was ere nice to me talking about finding the size of your mind and all. So I was Just there sitting down and I started to read this magazine that talked about hormones and cancer and sit so I figured I was most likely getting cancer and was paranoid as hell. So I went out to look for some breakfast and I walked trough the street it was all Christmas. This two guys bucking with a Christmas tree made melange and while I laugh I almost vomit. I felt sick but I Just kept looking around for the nuns I had meet but I couldn't see them. So I walked up to Fifth Avenue.I was sweating like a bastard ND I don't like to admit it but you could say I was hallucinating because I could talk to my brother Allele in the moment. So then while walking an awesome idea came to my mind, I decide I will never go home again and I will go far away I could give old phoebe her Christmas dough she landed me and then leave. To be honest to you right now, I don't know what the heck I was thinking. I was thinking I could go far west and work at a gas station and marry a deaf-mute because I would pretend to be one too, I had no clue what the heck was I thinking I Just made up this damn sorts of my life in my head.So I guess I could go to old phoebes school and take her a note telling her to meet me at the museum to give her back her dough. So that's Just what I did, I knew exactly where her school was because I had studied there was well. Point is I got there and all and I went to the receptionist at school and all and the little time I was there at school I saw about a million â€Å"Buck you† writing everywhere around the school. It pieces me off. Mostly because I don't want old Phoebe reading that kind of things, it really does pips me. Any ways I Just left and I had time to kill still till I meet